Introductory Courses Advanced Courses Special Courses Coaching and Counseling Workshops

Introductory Courses

In addition to the basics of working with AQUAD, introductory courses provide the necessary basic knowledge of qualitative analysis strategies::
Clarification of the overarching question of a project
Preparation of the data material (texts, video or audio data, images)
Definition of AQUAD projects
qualitative coding (coding strategies / coding types / inserting, searching and replacing of codes / dealing with coding structures)
Writing memos and using them wisely
Optionally we offer:
Table analyses (in the tradition of Miles & Huberman)
Analyses with the help of linkages as well as construction of sequence encodings
Implicant analysis (in the tradition of Charles Ragin based on Boolean algebra)
Of course you can bring your own material and work on it.

Advanced Courses

In advanced courses we assume that you are familiar with AQUAD and bring your own projects and data with you. A course content then has the following topics and is especially suitable for advanced theses (MA, dissertation, habilitation) and research projects:
Concretization of overarching questions / sub-questions (optional: data collection procedures and selection of suitable data sources).
Analysis strategies and their realization with AQUAD
Evaluation of the status quo of the analysis (reflection of the sub/question(s); Existing data material in AQUAD and other data sources or analyses; Adjustment of the analysis strategy; further or pending data collection and/or further data analysis.
Formulating and testing hypotheses with AQUAD
Interpretation of (partial) results
Advanced analysis using implicant analysis (Boolean algebra)
Discussion of the results (consequences of the chosen survey- and analysis methods; Linking results back to the sub/question(s)).
Optionally we offer:
Presentation and writing up of the results.
Emphasis on "Mixed Methods" (evaluation of meaning and purpose for a concrete question; identification of the necessary steps of analysis; integration of qualitative and quantitative perspectives)

Special Courses

We are happy to offer you special courses on request. Here we work intensively with you in advance to clarify the goal and purpose and to adapt the course structure and content to your issue(s).
We also offer separate course content that includes, for example, the following topics (selection):
Encoding of audio and video data.
Work with text video overlays, layout with Aegisub.
Integration of AQUAD and R.
Please, contact us if you want any other focus.

Coaching of Projects and Scientific Consulting

Do you have a specific research question that you would like to address using qualitative or combined qualitative-quantitative research methods (because this is required by the research question)? Please contact us - we would be pleased to make you an offer for specific coaching.


The Faculty of Educacional Sciences and Sports of the Campus Melilla (University of Granada) is the host of the next biannual meeting promoted by the Center for Qualitative Psychology. The thematic thread of this convention will be "Migration - Identities and Cross-Border Dialogues". The meeting will take place from May 3-5, 2022 at the Universidad de Melilla/Spain.
During this meeting a workshop on questions of the analysis of qualitative data with AQUAD 8 will be offered.
More information can be found on the website of the "Center for Qualitative Psychology e.V.

2019 Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Modelos de pensamiento en el análisis de datos cualitativos
2016 Universität Flensburg Combining qualitative and quantitative research
2016 Universidad de Jaén Introduction to the analysis of qualitative data
2015 Flensburg, International Research Workshop AQUAD 7 - Analysis of Qualitative Data and Exploratory Statistics
2015 Universidad de Alicante MÉTODOS MIXTOS 3.0: Análisis cualitativo con métodos estadísticos
2015 Universität Hamburg AQUAD 7: Ansätze zur Analyse qualitativer Daten
2014 Universität Riga AQUAD 7, R, and its integration
2014 Universität Leipzig R - Einführung und Zusammenarbeit mit AQUAD 7
2013 Universidad de Alicante Métodos mixtos con AQUAD 7: La integración de scripts de "R"
2013 Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten Mixed Methods in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung
2013 Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Seminario Avanzado de Investigación Cualitativa: "Paradigmas de codificación en AQUAD 7"
2012 Universität Tübingen, Doktorandenwoche "Ansätze der Analyse qualitativer Daten"
2012 Universität Riga "Paradigms in qualitative research"
2012 Universidad de Alicante "Cómo se maneja un análisis de secuencia"
2011 Universität Riga "Analysis of qualitative data"
2011 Universidad de Alicante "Principios de la investigación cualitativa"
2011 Winterakademie der Päd. Hochschulen (BW) "Qualitative Methoden in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung"
2010 Universität Jena (74. AEPF Tagung) "Mixed Methods und Triangulation"