Workshop-Reports: Qualitative Psychology Nexus

Here you can find the contributions to the annual/bi-annual workshops of the Center for Qualitative Psychology e.V. The Center was founded in 1999 in the Department of Educational Psychology of the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Tübingen. It promotes the development and dissemination of qualitative methods in social research, preferably in psychological and educational research.

Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 1 Qualitative Research in Psychology. (Ed.: Mechthild Kiegelmann)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 2 The Role of the Researcher in Qualitative Psychology. (Ed.: Mechthild Kiegelmann)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 3 Research Questions and Matching Methods of Analysis. (Eds.: Mechthild Kiegelmann & Leo Gürtler, with Ramón Pérez Pérez)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 4 Areas of Qualitative Psychology - Special Focus on Design. (Eds.: Leo Gürtler, Mechthild Kiegelmann & Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 5 Generalization in Qualitative Psychology. (Eds.: Leo Gürtler, Mechthild Kiegelmann & Günter L. Huber)
External publication 2007 Mixed Methodology in Psychological Research. (Hrsg.: Mayring, Philipp, Huber, Günter L., Gürtler, Leo, & Kiegelmann, Mechthild). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 6 Qualitative Psychology in the Changing Academic Context. (Eds.: Irina Maslo, Mechthild Kiegelmann & Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 7 Qualitative Approaches in the Field of Psychology. (Ed.: Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 8 Epistemologies for Qualitative Research. (Eds.: Hannu Soini, Eeva-Liisa Kronqvist & Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 9 Beyond Text: Video and other Medium Use in Qualitative Research. (Eds.: Karin Schweizer, Tanja Schielein, Mechthild Kiegelmann, Tiberio Feliz & Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 10 Values and Diversity in Qualitative Research. (Eds.: Karin Schweizer, Taylor Christel, Annette Ullrich & Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 11 Building Bridges. (Eds.: Heidi Flavian & Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 12 Conflicts in Qualitative Research. (Ed.: Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 13 New Perspectives on Qualitative Research. (Ed.: Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 13 New Perspectives on Qualitative Research. (Hrsg.: Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 14 Qualitative Approaches to Actual Problems in Education. (Ed.: Günter L. Huber)
Qualitative Psychology Nexus Vol. 15 Diversity in Qualitative Research. (Ed.: Günter L. Huber)
External publication / Melilla 2022 Migrant identities and teacher training. Educational research for cross-cultural encounters.(Eds.: Antonio Medina Rivilla, & Günter L. Huber). Madrid: Editorial Universitas (ISBN: 9788479915995; Edición 2023).

Introductions to the analysis of qualitative data

General introductions
Creswell, John W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed Methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Creswell, John W. (2012). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Merriam, Sharan B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis. An expanded sourcebook. (2nd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Patton, Michael Quinn (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Saldaña, Johnny (2016). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. London: Sage Publications
Wernet, A. (2009). Einführung in die Interpretationstechnik der Objektiven Hermeneutik (3. Aufl.). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Focus on "Mixed Methods"
Creswell, John W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed Methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Creswell, John W. (2012). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Mayring, Philipp, Huber, Günter L., Gürtler, Leo, & Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Eds.) (2007). Mixed Methodology in Psychological Research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Merriam, Sharan B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis QCA (Boolean Minimization)
Ragin, C. C. (1987). The comparative method. Moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Rihoux, Benoît, und Charles C. Ragin (Eds.) (2009) Configurational Comparative Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques. London: Sage Publications.

Empirical Studies

In the publication series "Qualitative Psychology Nexus" of the Workshops of the Center for Qualitative Psychology, there are numerous presentations of empirical studies from the field of qualitative social research.

Own publications

Gento, S. Huber, G.L., González, R., Palomares, A., & Orden, V.J. (2015). Promoting the quality of educational institutions by enhancing educational leadership, US-China Education Review B, 5(4), 215-232.
Gürtler, L. & Huber, G. L. (2006). The ambiguous use of language in the paradigms of QUAN and QUAL. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, 313-328.
Gürtler, L. & Huber, G. L. (2023). Combinación de Métodos - CUAL, CUAN Y LÓGICA. Puntos de vista objetivos y observaciones subjetivas. Descargar aquí
Fuente alternativa:
Gürtler, L. & Huber, G. L. (2007). Modos de pensar y estrategias de la investigación cualitativa. Liberabit, Revista de Psicología, 13, 37-52.
Huber, G. L., Gürtler, L., & Gento, S. (2018). La aportación de la estadística exploratoria al análisis de datos cualitativos. Perspectiva Educacional, 57(1), 50-69.